Dr. Florian König
Curriculum of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Giessen
Academic Stations at Massey University and Onewa Rd. Referral Hospital, Auckland New Zealand,
Graduation at the University of Giessen ´89
Residency at Small Animal Clinic Dr. Schäfer, Neuwied
Academic Stations at University of Knoxville, Tennessee USA und Veterinary Referral Associates Gaithersburg, Maryland USA
Residency at Small Animal Clinic Bunkhofen, Friedrichshafen
Specialization: Fachtierarzt für Kleintiere ´93
Launch of Private Practice – Am Berggewann 13 – Wiesbaden-Dotzheim ´94
Authorized Postgraduate Veterinary Training Facility ´94
Member of the European Society of Veterinary Neurology (ESVN)
2006-2013 own postgraduate courses in continuing education for veterinarians in the Kurhaus Wiesbaden (KIK Wiesbaden)
2018: Founding member Neurology Section of the National Veterinary Society Germany (DVG e.V.)
Referee in numerous veterinary congresses